Signature Tower


The Signature Tower is signed with sweetness: Salt Water Taffy, Fudge, Mint Sticks, Chocolates , and Molasses Paddles all combine to make a tower that could only come from Shriver’s.



2 lbs. Salt Water Taffy

1 lb. Fudge (vanilla, vanilla nut, chocolate, chocolate nut)

1 lb. Mint Sticks

1 lb. Chocolates

8 Molasses Paddles

8 lbs. Ship Weight

*Due to potential melting of chocolate, taffy, fudge, and gummy products during warmer months of shipping, these products will be shipped at the buyer’s risk.

Gift Message


The Signature Tower is signed with sweetness: Salt Water Taffy, Fudge, Mint Rolls, Chocolates, and Molasses Paddles all combine to make a tower that could only come from Shriver’s. Contains 2 lbs. Salt Water Taffy 1 lb. Fudge (vanilla, vanilla nut, chocolate, chocolate nut) 1 lb. Mint Sticks 1 lb. Chocolates 8 Molasses Paddles

8 lbs. Ship Weight

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs